stichting synergy presents

Frouke Ten Velden


Frouke ten Velden, Media Artist and live visual performer based in Amsterdam. As a live visual performer Frouke approaches her set (her visuals and devices) as a musician approaches his instrument. In her sculptural work, she explores the boundaries and meaning of sculpture through light and herein seeks the possibilities of sculpture as a performative medium. Her work has been shown at various galleries and Art festivals and she works as (live) scenographer and art director of theater, music, and dance performances. She often finds herself on the cross-section of various artistic scenes. Like her collaborative projects wherein she works with artists and musicians from different fields and backgrounds. 


Iris is a light installation that makes use of natural light during the day and comes alive at night by becoming a source of light itself. The work is named after the Greek goddess Iris, also called the goddess of color. She wears “A coat of many colors” she manifests as a rainbow and is known as the goddess of communication and new encounters. The installation is made of colored glass that generates shadows and reflections. The sun's changing position generates new compositions, and the doubling of the panels creates new color combinations. Color has a direct impact on our emotions, when you meet Iris she will look different every time. As a visitor, you are invited to become part of the installation, by entering the installation Iris shows that a body can be part of a space, instead of a body that stands in front of a work of art.

Color is the keyboard, the eyes are the hammers, and the soul is the piano with many strings ~ Kandinsky

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Frouke Ten Velden